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Concept Completion WORD_edited.png

What Is A Concept ?

A CONCEPT is abstract idea, a plan, or intention. In a simple term, a concept is a thought or idea. Ideas start in the mind. In the moment you come up with an idea for a business or a brand, you have created the CONCEPT.

What Is A Brand ?

A BRAND is a business concept that helps clients/customers/visitors identify a company, product, or an individual. Make sure you do not confuse the BRAND with logos, slogans or trademarks as they are marketing tools which aid in promoting.

Concept Completion WORD_edited.png

What Is A Brand Concept ?

You are almost there… You combined the two words above. 


A BRAND CONCEPT is the abstract meaning/idea that gives the brand’s sense of self. The brand concept creates consistency to the brand’s identity. 


By creating a BRAND CONCEPT, you are creating the brand’s personality. 

Does the brand have a “quirk”? Is the brand “expensive”? Is the brand for “children”? How are you going to create your “meaning”? How do you keep the consistency within your brand?


The magic and most important word… CONSISTENCY!


So NOW, you understand the BRAND CONCEPT… You may be at the beginning… You may be looking to rebrand. Wherever you are, there are things you should have:


  • Brand Name

  • Brand Typography

  • Brand Logo/Photography

  • Brand Color

  • Brand Standing (Mission, Vision, Goals)

  • Brand Spirit 

  • Brand Message 


To START creating your brand, you will have to think of your CONCEPT and bring it to your BRAND. 

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Created By: Agent of Change

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